Data Engineer for Business Analytics Developments to NCC​ (10472) – offert sänd till kund

December 2, 2024
Rolle Data Engineer
Kompetanseområde Data/IT
Startdato 2024-12-16
Sluttdato 2025-06-20
Omfang 100%
Sted Stockholm
Land Sweden
Siste svarsdato 2024-12-20 (Tilbud vil bli behandlet fortløpende)
Kontaktperson Marie Lundin ( | 076-1081079)
Referansenummer #12425
Overordnet oppdragsbeskrivelse

We are now looking for a Data Engineer for Business Analytics Developments​ with competence level 3 to NCC.

​​Development of Analytical capabilities, reports, datasets, data flow etc.

​Data engineer within Business Analytics Area.

Data engineers design, build and manage pipelines with transformation and loading of data for analytic decision making. It also collaborate with and support other roles involved in the development of content for decision making.

-Understand and apply target architecture and design guidelines for Business Analytics data foundation.

-Explore, design, build, test and deploy of transformations, data sources and analytical data models that meet functional and non-functional requirements.

-Document deliveries according to documentation policy

-Work with specification of demands for delivery of data and analytical data models

“Tillägg i beskrivningen 2024-12-16;

From: Resource Manager NCC
Changes in the team require us to shift the focus of this Requisition. The profiles we have received are focused on development, and we need someone who can also lead a small team, plan development, and manage communication/forums for everyone within Business Analytics.”


English and Swedish
Academic degree in IT
Experience from data modelling (Senior)
Experience in working with databases, data warehouses, data lakes or similar in a cloud environment (Senior)
Experience from SQL, Python (Senior)
Experience from working in DBT (Senior)
Experience with working with Databricks
Experience from working in agile teams (Senior)


Experience from IT Architecture (nice to have)
Experience from Report develop (nice to have)

Övriga krav

Bifoga CV på engelska i Wordformat under fliken Dokument. CV:t är en viktig del i utvärderingen av konsulten. Det ska tydligt visa att konsulten har den kompetens och erfarenhet som efterfrågas för det aktuella uppdraget.
Offert för detta uppdrag måste skickas in via KeySourcingTool. Svar via mail kommer att få begränsad feedback.
Leverantören intygar att konsult- och ansvarsförsäkring finns som täcker denna typ av uppdrag enligt branschstandard.

Personliga egenskaper

Annen informasjon

Briefly describe in “Comment” for the various requirements and how the consultant fulfills them, and refer to which assignment/assignments in the CV
All text in the offer and CV must be in English.


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