Consultant for Pre Study of Workforce Planning

September 18, 2024
Rolle Förstudieledare
Kompetanseområde Data/IT
Startdato 2024-09-19
Sluttdato 2024-12-31
Omfang 50%
Sted Stockholm
Land Sweden
Siste svarsdato 2024-09-20 (Tilbud vil bli behandlet fortløpende)
Kontaktperson Ellinor Jakobsson ( | 072-529 43 56)
Referansenummer #11943
Overordnet oppdragsbeskrivelse

We are now looking for a consultant for a Pre Study of Workforce Planning.

The client, a security company operating throughout the Nordic region, is seeking an experienced and flexible consultant to conduct a pre study regarding our planning tools (planning systems). We have many different planning tools across the group in Nordics, each with slightly different characteristics without fully meeting our needs. Most needs to be supplemented with other tools or manual processes. We want to limit the number of tools and find the one(s) that will work best for us tomorrow and in the next 10 years.

The first goal is to benchmark our existing systems in the Nordic region against an envisioned ultimate tool for workforce planning of shift personnel on various rotation systems and collective agreements. The assignment includes investigating the possibilities with existing tools, tools available on the market, and considering the development of our own solution. AI and other advanced technologies will be in focus to find the best solutions for the future.
Our goal is to have a tool that can help us improve and streamline how we handle the complex workforce planning and the unique contractual rules that govern our operations.

Purpose of the Assignment: To deliver a detailed report and recommendation by the end of the year as a basis for decisions on future workforce planning. If the conclusion in the report is to change tools or build our own solution, the assignment will also include delivering a detailed requirement specification that we can use as a basis for going to market.

The client strives to create a safe and efficient work environment through engaged and competent employees. We look forward to welcoming a consultant who can help strengthen our organization and ensure that we continue to deliver world-class security.​


Experience in Workforce Planning – Understanding and managing complex workforce planning systems, especially in the security industry.
Advanced Technical Understanding – Experience in analyzing and implementing technical solutions, including AI-based systems.
Project Management and Feasibility Study Work – Ability to independently lead a feasibility study, from needs analysis to recommendation.
Analytical Ability –Strong skills in evaluating and comparing different systems and technologies.
Flexibility and Adaptability – Ability to adapt to changes and deliver under time pressure.
Needs Assessments – Good knowledge in interviewing stakeholders and discerning what the needs are.
Report Writing – Ability to write and formulate a detailed final report.
Language: English, but must be able to speak and write a Scandinavian language fluently (first language)


Övriga krav

Personliga egenskaper

Annen informasjon

Scope: 50%, starting immediately and until the end of the year.
Work Location: Flexible location, with the possibility to work both remotely and on-site in Oslo and Stockholm.


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