Rolle | Administratör |
Kompetanseområde | Data/IT |
Startdato | 2025-04-01 |
Sluttdato | 2026-03-31 |
Omfang | 100% |
Sted | Lund |
Land | Sweden |
Siste svarsdato | 2025-01-21 (Tilbud vil bli behandlet fortløpende) |
Kontaktperson | Mats Mårtensson ( | ) |
Referansenummer | #12672 |
Overordnet oppdragsbeskrivelse
You will work in a team that is responsible for testing Axis’ proprietary Video Management System – Axis Camera Station Pro. The development and testing of Axis Camera Station Pro is divided into many agile teams including both developers and testers. The team testing role we are about to fill is for a team that focuses on our software component framework and operating systems.
Cooperate and communicate smoothly with others in both Swedish and English
Extensive experience in software testing
Experience in set up and maintain good test environments for both automated and manual testing
Experience of testing at different levels, manual and automated testing
Experience in functional and non-functional testing
You have good knowledge and experience of working in Linux environment as well as Windows
Competence and interest to work and trouble shoot in network environments consisting of both hardware and software
Övriga krav
Bifoga CV i Wordformat under fliken Dokument. CV:t är en viktig del i utvärderingen av konsulten. Det ska tydligt visa att konsulten har den kompetens och erfarenhet som efterfrågas för det aktuella uppdraget.
Offert för detta uppdrag måste skickas in via KeySourcingTool. Svar via mail kommer att få begränsad feedback.
Beskriv gärna kort i ”Kommentar” vid de olika kraven hur konsulten uppfyller dessa.
Personliga egenskaper
Solution oriented
strong interest in technology
Good communication skills
Annen informasjon
- For å kunne gi tilbud på våre oppdrag må du være registrert bruker i KeySourcingTool og din bedrift må også være forretningspartner med KeyMan (kostnadsfritt).