SAP S4/HANA Business Process Standardization Subject Matter Expert till Martin & Servera

februari 3, 2025
Roll Processanalytiker
Kompetensområde Data/IT
Startdatum 2025-02-17
Slutdatum 2025-06-30
Omfattning 50%
Ort Stockholm
Land Sweden
Sista svarsdatum 2025-02-06 (Offerter kommer att behandlas löpande)
Kontaktperson Jonas Pettersson ( | 076-231 26 69)
Referensnummer #12789
Övergripande uppdragsbeskrivning

We are now looking for a SAP S4/HANA Business Process Standardization Subject Matter Expert for Martin & Servera.

Martin & Servera is a Swedish group, 100% owned by the Axel Johnson Group. We are Sweden’s leading restaurant and catering specialist, consisting of seventeen companies with strong brands specialized in various parts of the wholesale chain. We offer raw materials, equipment, beverages, services, and training to our customers, ranging from large restaurant and hotel chains to the smallest local bakery. Driven by strong values and a vision of sustainable business with care for people, animals, and the environment, Martin & Servera is on an exciting digital journey. Our digital transformation is of great strategic importance, and we are investing heavily to offer our customers a world-class customer experience. As a supplier of everything a restaurant might need—from tableware to raw materials and system support—we are industry leaders and a vital force in the Swedish restaurant industry. By implementing a new ERP system, this force is being modernized—new, business-oriented, and efficient processes are being developed, sometimes crossing the boundaries between the different companies within the Martin & Servera group.

About the ERP Transformation
Martin & Servera is transforming its ERP landscape by implementing a greenfield, group-wide SAP S/4 HANA solution based on the RISE with SAP Private Cloud Edition. This involves introducing new business processes and integrating with numerous legacy systems. The first companies went live in March 2024, and the third is scheduled for November 2025, completing the ERP implementation within the fresh foodstuffs business areas.
The implementation for the larger foodstuff wholesale business areas is currently on hold. We are updating our ERP strategy to break down the scope into smaller, more manageable projects and to better align our processes with SAP’s standard solutions. Our goal is to enhance efficiency in delivery and application maintenance by leveraging more of SAP’s standard tools.
To support this transformation, we are seeking external SAP experts with business knowledge—preferably within the food industry or retail—to provide specific expertise and support our internal teams where we lack sufficient competence. These experts will act as a resource in various areas, facilitate workshops to optimize business needs through SAP standard processes, and serve as advisors with extensive knowledge of how to conduct an ERP/SAP journey. 

Job Title: Business Process Standardization Subject Matter Expert 

  • Deliver expert guidance to optimize overall business processes, ensuring alignment with SAP standards and preparing for a second take of the Explore phase.
  • Facilitate workshops for sales, purchasing, and logistics to align business processes with SAP standard solutions, aiming to reduce complexity and minimize system customizations that were the outcome of the initial Explore phase.
  • Lead the effort to streamline and standardize group-wide business processes in key areas, minimizing the need for enhancements and customizations.
  • Engage proactively with cross-functional teams to identify opportunities for process improvements and ensure seamless integration with SAP solutions

Extensive experience in business process standardization and SAP S/4 HANA implementations, with a proven track record of successful project delivery
Strong understanding of SAP standard solutions and their application in sales, procurement, and logistics contexts
Demonstrated ability to lead and facilitate workshops, driving consensus and optimizing business processes to align with SAP standards
Exceptional communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to engage effectively with diverse teams and stakeholders
Experience with SAP’s RISE with SAP Private Cloud edition implementations, showcasing versatility in different SAP environments and its application in large-scale ERP transformations
Proven ability to work onsite in Stockholm


Previous experience in the food industry or retail sector, providing valuable industry insights
Strong problem-solving skills and strategic thinking, with the ability to anticipate challenges and devise effective solutions

Övriga krav

Bifoga CV i Wordformat under fliken Dokument. CV:t är en viktig del i utvärderingen av konsulten. Det ska tydligt visa att konsulten har den kompetens och erfarenhet som efterfrågas för det aktuella uppdraget
Offert för detta uppdrag måste skickas in via KeySourcingTool. Svar via mail kommer att få begränsad feedback.
Beskriv gärna kort i ”Kommentar” vid de olika kraven hur konsulten uppfyller dessa.
Leverantören intygar att konsult- och ansvarsförsäkring finns som täcker denna typ av uppdrag enligt branschstandard.
Martin& Servera kan komma att begära att den konsult som blir utvald att utföra uppdraget ska signera ett sekretessavtal vid uppdragsstarten

Personliga egenskaper

Övrig information

Semester uttages enligt överenskommen schemaläggning tillsammans med uppdragsgivare/Projektledare för Delprojekt. 
Om uppdragets omfattning överskrider tillkommer timmar enligt överenskommelse. Detta förutsätter Martin & Serveras föregående skriftliga godkännande. Eventuella utlägg skall godkännas av Martin & Servera.

Option på förlängning: JA


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