Travel Trade Consultant France for Visit Sweden

januari 29, 2025
Roll Turismyrken
Kompetensområde Försäljning, inköp, marknadsföring
Startdatum 2025-02-03
Slutdatum 2025-12-31
Omfattning 2%
Ort Stockholm
Land Sweden
Sista svarsdatum 2025-01-31 (Offerter kommer att behandlas löpande)
Kontaktperson Ellinor Jakobsson ( | 072-529 43 56)
Referensnummer #12745
Övergripande uppdragsbeskrivning

We are now looking for a Travel Trade Consultant France till Visit Sweden.

In the markets where Visit Sweden focuses on travel trade, Visit Sweden can see that tour operator’s channels are at the top – and have gained importance. Tour operators today, work very much in an ‘Always-On’ mode. When Visit Sweden asks the target group The global traveler with an interest in Sweden regarding their sources of information before the trip to Sweden, analyzes show an increase in the last three years for the website / app from the travel agency / tour operator. They work very digitally, in their social media, to inspire and to be found when the target group searches for different destinations. It is therefore important for the travel destination Sweden and the Swedish hospitality industry to be visible at the international tour operator level in order to reach and influence potential travelers to choose Sweden as a travel destination for their next holiday via this channel.

Visit Sweden is looking for a travel trade specialist who on assignment can be responsible for various smaller projects for Visit Sweden’s partners (mainly regions and destination) in France. For this assignment, Visit Sweden is looking for an experienced consultant.

Description of assignment
1) For West Sweden Tourism Board (fixed assignment)
Plan, implement and final report the project ”Travel Trade West Sweden 2025” in travel trade based on a decided plan with a focus on France. Estimated time/month: 2,5 hours (total 30 hours)

a. Pro-actively cooperate with selected tour operators on the French market on behalf of West Swedens Visitors Board. Fixed time: 26 hours – Visit Sweden is acting as project manager for the client.

b. Suggest suitable tour operators for a joint marketing campaign with West Swedens Visitors Board: Fixed time: 4 hours – Marketing Campaign including description, media plan suggestion and results. Content/marketing material will be provided by client, but coordination will be done by consultant – Visit Sweden is acting as project manager for the client.

2) For Swedish destinations (upon request)
Offer product: ”High-potential travel trade opportunities for market France”

a. Provide market analysis and meetings with relevant Tour Operators on behalf of client (Swedish destinations) resulting in report including 2-3 quality leads for the client. Estimated time/offer: 28 hours – Visit Sweden is acting as project manager for the client.

b. Add-on product: “Marketing Boost” for Swedish destinations to market their products and increase visibility in Tour Operator’s owned media channels and/or paid media – minimum invest from client 20 000 SEK/Tour Operator. Estimated time/offer: 4 hours/Marketing Boost including description, media plan suggestion, and results. Content/marketing material will be provided by client, but coordination will be done by consultant – Visit Sweden is acting as project manager for the client.


At least 5 years of experience in marketing such as events, fam-trips, road shows.
At least 5 years of relevant experience of project management of various sorts.
Experience of projects where customers are from National Tourism Boards.
Large and relevant network of tour operators & travel agents and trade organizations in France.
Very good language skills in French and English, in both writing and speaking.
Office location in France


Knowledge of Visit Sweden’s work and marketing activities.

Övriga krav

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Offert för detta uppdrag måste skickas in via KeySourcingTool. Svar via mail kommer att få begränsad feedback.
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Leverantören intygar att konsult- och ansvarsförsäkring finns som täcker denna typ av uppdrag enligt branschstandard.
Bakgrundskontroll kan komma att genomföras på den konsult som blir utvald att göra uppdraget.
Uppfyller konsultbolaget kraven i §1-2 kap. 13 LOU enligt bifogat utdrag från LOU 2016:1145?

Personliga egenskaper

Övrig information

Option på förlängning längst t.o.m. 31 december 2026
Visit Sweden has the right (option) but no obligation to extend the Assignment, however, no later than 31 December 2026.
Traktamente, restidsersättning och övertidsersättning utgår inte för uppdraget.
Allowance, travel time compensation and overtime compensation are not paid for the assignment.


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